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Our Services


NUTRITION ONE combat food insecurity and ensure Furry Family Members thrive in happiness, comfort, and health, especially for struggling households. We deliver premium cat and dog food to your door, partnering with Doordash for safe, convenient delivery, prioritizing your well-being during social gatherings. Beyond nutrition, our donated items from companies across the United States include cat towers, sofas, disability ramps, and more, addressing diverse health needs of Furry Family Members. From joint-supporting orthopedic beds to anxiety-easing aids and mentally stimulating toys, we tailor solutions to enhance their well-being.


The VETGUARD Program offers essential veterinary services at no cost or reduced rates. We work with trusted partners to provide vital vaccinations, spaying, and neutering services, ensuring that furry family members receive the preventative care necessary to keep them healthy and happy.

1. Emergency Medical Assistance: We recognize that facing a serious health crisis for a furry family member can be heart-wrenching, especially for low-income families. Our program provides critical financial support for lifesaving treatments for furry family members dealing with severe conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and major injuries. This support covers surgeries, medications, and follow-up care, easing the financial burden and allowing families to focus on their cherished companions.

2. Senior Furry Family Member Care: Aging furry family members deserve special attention and care. Targeted medical care for conditions like arthritis, dental issues, and chronic illnesses. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for senior furry family members, ensuring they experience their golden years with comfort and dignity.

Through these integrated initiatives and partnerships, aims to reduce the number of unwanted animals, improve the health and well-being of furry family members in need, and make veterinary care more accessible and affordable. We are deeply committed to supporting every furry family member and their family in our community, recognizing that these beloved companions enrich our lives in countless ways. Through our efforts, we strive to ensure that each furry family member receives the love and care they so richly deserve.




Dignity Program for Strays and Low-Income Families is designed to offer support and relief for individuals and organizations that find themselves responsible for the remains of stray animals, as well as low-income and financially distressed families who need help covering the costs associated with the burial or cremation of their beloved pets. Many people do not know what to do or think about it when the time comes, and our goal is to ensure that every animal receives a dignified farewell, regardless of their circumstances.


"PetWise: Advocacy & Education Initiative"

"PetWise: Advocacy & Education Initiative" is a comprehensive program dedicated to promoting responsible Furry Family Member (FAM) ownership and advocating for the welfare of animals. Through educational resources, workshops, and community outreach, PetWise aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to provide the best care for their FAMs. Additionally, the program works to raise awareness about animal rights issues and supports initiatives that promote humane treatment of FAMs. PetWise strives to create a compassionate and informed community where FAMs are cherished members, and their well-being is a top priority.


729 HUB

Coming late June 2024, "729 HUB. The HUB is a Call Center that provides essential resources and assistance for addressing various animal-related issues, including low-cost options, food pantries in counties, homeless assistance, and more. Whether you require referrals for veterinary care, pet-friendly accommodations, affordable spay/neuter services, or other local support programs, our volunteer team at the 729 Call Center is dedicated to assisting you.

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