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VETGUARD: Assists with vital vaccinations, Spay & Neuter, and preventative care with the expertise of trusted professionals. 



"NUTRITION ONE: A Supplemental Nutrition Program for Hand & Paw"..


[ fur·​ry + (fa)m·​i·​ly + mem·​ber ] noun: furry members of society: Not identified as" PETS or property."

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No Hand nor Paw should ever go Hungry. We provide nutritional meals for Furry Members of Society working with Local Food Banks.

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Trap-Neuter -Return

in paw_edited.jpg

Welcome, let's get to know each other...

We are RESCUES ON85TH, where we're dedicated to transforming the lives of every FAM - Family Member. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, our mission is inspired by rescuing Kurt Russell, an abandon toy poodle on 85th street, and Dr, Webber, now passed, veterinarian that deeply cared for and assist all animal great and small regardless of any individual's inability to pay. We literally watched Dr. Webber save a squirrels' life, and teaching about animal safety and care. We are committed to assisting to ensuring every FAM experiences a life filled with dignity, love, and comprehensive care.

At RESCUES ON85TH, we provide essential support across Jefferson County. From our robust pet pantry and vital veterinary care to burial assistance services, we're committed to fostering responsible pet ownership and enhancing the bond between FAMs Furry Family Members and their families. We are volunteer based as our bosses are the FAMs we serve.

Pssst! Fams are furry family members, we do not identify our bosses as "pets", read on we'll explain.

Partnering with organizations like the Birmingham Humane Society, United Way, local veterinarians, food banks, rescues, shelters, sanctuaries, and more we extend our reach through mobile operations and a virtual food bank. Our mission goes beyond basic needs. It's about advocating for essential healthcare, humane burial assistance, and creating a supportive community where every FAM is valued and cherished.

Join us in creating a compassionate community where every FAM is loved and given the opportunity to thrive. Together, through dedication, education, and collaboration, we're redefining care for our beloved FAMs.


Welcome to RESCUES ON85TH...


​At RESCUES ON8TH, we are dedicated to building a world where every FAM Furry Family Member is cherished, healthy, and secure. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support to pets and their families. We strive to eliminate pet hunger through our robust pet pantry, offer essential veterinary services including spay and neuter programs, and facilitate compassionate care for lost or deceased pets. Our goal is to foster responsible pet ownership, reduce pet homelessness, and prevent unnecessary euthanasia by ensuring every pet receives the care and love they deserve. Together, we work to create a community where the welfare of animals is a shared and honored commitment. 

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We envision a future where every FAM Furry Family Member is recognized as a equal part of both families and society having a life filled with dignity, love, benefits, and other comprehensive care.


Our vision is to reshape societies perspectives of identification, labels, and associating "PETS" under ownership, but equally respected with the same rights and benefits as humans. Such as income tax credits for expense incurs for their care, access to government funded healthcare insurance, where they live in households that has financial difficulties, monthly stipends cards for food expenses, burial benefits, stricter laws and sentencing on abuse and utilization of exploitation, such as animal fighting events, etc.


We are driven by a profound belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every animal. Our mission is founded on the following core principles:

-Compassion and Care: We believe that every FAM (Family Member) deserves a loving home, proper nourishment, and access to essential veterinary care. Ensuring their well-being is our top priority.

-Preventative Action: We are committed to reducing pet overpopulation and preventing unnecessary suffering through proactive measures like spaying and neutering.

- Empowerment Through Education: By providing families and caregivers with vital resources and knowledge, we empower them to offer the best possible care for their furry family members.

- Respect for Life: We believe in treating all FAMs, including lost or deceased pets, with the utmost respect and dignity, helping families find peace and closure during difficult times.

- Community Collaboration: Building a compassionate community through collaboration and volunteer engagement is essential to our mission, as it strengthens our network of support for all FAMs.

- Reidentification and Respect: We believe in reidentifying the label "pets" changing it to FAMs (Family Members), as pets are shown as a term many see as ownership of an object, which then forms a separation of a species of the two (i.e. Human-animal bond), creating an assumption of non-responsibility to care for as pets are objects. By reidentifying we believe to shift the perspective recognizing FAMs as family members, a life to care for just as you would welcome an adoptive child into a home, it is forever bond.

Together, through dedication, education, and collaboration, we strive to create a world where every FAM is valued, loved, and given the opportunity to thrive.



RESCUES ON85TH, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit based in Birmingham, Alabama, serves Jefferson County by offering free human and animal food supplies to struggling households experiencing food insecurity. Partnering with organizations such as the Birmingham Humane Society, DoorDash, and United Way 211, as well as local agencies, charities, and veterinarians, we extend our reach throughout the community. Through acquiring bulk supplies from various retailers, organizations, and agencies, we can provide this essential service both through our mobile operations and our virtual food bank. Every donation, regardless of size, greatly contributes to our cause, supporting our volunteer-based mobile service. Together, we make a difference—it's all about rescuing on 85th.


At RESCUES ON85TH, we are dedicated to supporting both animals and their families through a comprehensive range of services designed to meet diverse needs.


Nutrition One (N1) Program
We provide essential nutrition and supplies to ensure the well-being of your beloved Family Members (FAMs). Our N1 program offers high-quality food and resources to keep your animal companions healthy and happy.


Delivery Services
Understanding the challenges faced by elderly and disabled individuals, we offer a specialized delivery service to ensure they receive necessary supplies for their FAMs. This service eliminates transportation barriers, making it easier for them to care for their cherished companions.


Vaccination Assistance
We offer vaccination assistance to ensure FAMs receive the necessary immunizations to protect them from common diseases, promoting long-term health and well-being.


Spay and Neuter Vouchers
Our spay and neuter vouchers help control the pet population, ensuring fewer animals end up in shelters. This service promotes responsible pet ownership and contributes to the overall welfare of FAMs.


Burial Services
We provide respectful burial services for deceased lost animals and assist in identifying ownership, offering compassionate support during difficult times.


Support for the Homeless
We extend our support to homeless individuals and their FAMs, offering resources to help them transition off the streets and into stable housing. Recognizing the strong bond between homeless individuals and their animals, we advocate for shelters to accommodate these FAMs, preventing surrenders and ensuring they receive the care they deserve.


Community Collaboration
Through partnerships with community agencies and dedicated volunteers, we prioritize animal welfare and provide invaluable support to both FAMs and their families in need. Our collaborative efforts aim to create a compassionate network that upholds the rights and well-being of all FAMs.

At RESCUES ON 85TH, we believe in the power of community and the importance of ensuring every FAM is treated with dignity, care, and respect.


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